Final result voting Social Plan Mercedes Benz Customer Assistance Center

Last week all CNV members received a personal email regarding the Social Plan with the request to contact the union leader Rémy Biesmans.

Some of the members contacted Rémy and received further information regarding the content of the final offer your employer did on the Social Plan.
They also had an option to vote either for or against the Social Plan. Of all the received votes the majority voted against the final offer. 

This means that CNV Vakmensen will not sign the Social Plan and your employer has already been informed about this. It has also been pointed out to your employer that we are open for re-opening the negotiations with the unions in order to get to an acceptable plan. That however is up to your employer.

Your employer can also try to negotiate a Social Plan with the Works Council. Should there be an agreement between these two parties, you should know that you are not legally associated with the plan. Should you disagree with the terms, you can always choose to go to court. Of course our legal experts of CNV Vakmensen can always advice you on this. So do not hesitate to contact us when needed. 

Certainly we hope that management will re-open the negotiations. If that’s the case, you will be informed.

Rémy Biesmans
Union leader CNV Vakmensen
M 06-28 33 42 84